Cell Discov | 中山大学刘斯洋团队与天坛医院王拥军团队合作发表中国首个万人卒中队列基因组学研究成果

2023年7月21日,来自中山大学刘斯洋课题组与首都医科大学附属天坛医院王拥军教授团队在国际知名生物医学期刊 *Cell Discovery* 上发表了题为 “The STROMICS Genome Study: Deep whole-genome sequencing and analyses of 10K Chinese Patients with Ischeamic Stroke Reveal Complex Genetic and Phenotypic Interplay”的研究论文,该 …

The STROMICS genome study: deep whole-genome sequencing and analysis of 10K Chinese patients with ischemic stroke reveal complex genetic and phenotypic interplay

Ischemic stroke is a leading cause of global mortality and long-term disability. However, there is a paucity of whole-genome sequencing studies on ischemic stroke, resulting in limited knowledge of the interplay between genomic and phenotypic …

Stroke Omics Atlas (STROMICS)

The Stroke Omics Atlas (STROMICS) is committed to using multi-omics and clinical big data to achieve accurate diagnosis and treatment for stroke patients, reduce treatment costs, and contribute to the health of the people.