CMDB: the comprehensive population genome variation database of China


A high-quality genome variation database derived from a large-scale population is one of the most important infrastructures for genomics, clinical and translational medicine research. Here, we developed the Chinese Millionome Database (CMDB), a database that contains 9.04 million single nucleotide variants (SNV) with allele frequency information derived from low-coverage (0.06×–0.1×) whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data of 141 431 unrelated healthy Chinese individuals. These individuals were recruited from 31 out of the 34 administrative divisions in China, covering Han and 36 other ethnic minorities. CMDB, housing the WGS data of a multi-ethnic Chinese population featuring wide geographical distribution, has become the most representative and comprehensive Chinese population genome database to date. Researchers can quickly search for variant, gene or genomic regions to obtain the variant information, including mutation basic information, allele frequency, genic annotation and overview of frequencies in global populations. Furthermore, the CMDB also provides information on the association of the variants with a range of phenotypes, including height, BMI, maternal age and twin pregnancy. Based on these data, researchers can conduct meta-analysis of related phenotypes. CMDB is freely available at

Nucleic Acids Research
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Siyang Liu
Siyang Liu
Associate Professor, School of Public Health (Shenzhen), Sun Yat-sen University

Focused on human genomics and bioinformatics research

Shujia Huang
Shujia Huang
出生队列研究室 副 PI

