High-throughput sequencing of methylated cytosine enriched by modification-dependent restriction endonuclease MspJI


As a well-known epigenomic modification, DNA methylation is found to be common in plants and plays an important role in many biological processes. Relying on the unique feature of methylation-dependent digestion, the family of methylation-requiring restriction-like endonuclease, such as MspJI and its homologs, was suggested for a potential usage in methylation detection. In this study, we combine MspJI digestion and electrophoretic band selection with next generation high-throughput sequencing technology to detect 5-methylcytosines in Arabidopsis genome. By developing a bioinformatics workflow to attribute the CNNR sites recognized by MspJI to the reference genome, we fulfilled the systematic assessment of this method. According to the assessment, here we provide the method for generating a detailed map of plant methylome that could be feasible, reliable and economical in methylation investigation.

BMC Bioinformatics
Siyang Liu
Siyang Liu
Associate Professor, School of Public Health (Shenzhen), Sun Yat-sen University

Focused on human genomics and bioinformatics research

