PhD/Master Student

Siyang Liu Lab

Prospective PhD and master candidates are encouraged to initiate correspondence with Prof. Siyang Liu. As for potential Master‘s applicants, they are also invited to participate in the annual summer campus organized by the School of Public Health (Shenzhen). Students seeking admission to the PhD and Master’s programs are advised to remain vigilant regarding announcements disseminated by the School of Public Health (Shenzhen) at Sun Yat-sen University.

招收博士生1人/年、硕士生2-3人/年,接收本科生2-3人/年 进行科研培训。热忱欢迎对人类基因组与生物信息学领域感兴趣的医学、生物、数学、计算机及相关方向的同学们加入我们的研究团队!来信请注明申请方向及职位



联系方式 ,来信请注明申请方向及职位。
